Art Blog - Portrait Stories and Opinion Pieces

Lucian Michael Freud

Lucian Michael Freud

Lucian Freud, an artist born in the first half of the 20th century, created numerous portraits, of faces as well as of full and naked bodies. His paintings stand out in a stormy technique, full of emotion and expression. The paints are applied in thick layers, in strong and fertile brush strokes. His paintings are realistic and yet you can discover in his work, in interior painting for example, a variety of surprising shades, such as green and blue within a description of skin. Nevertheless, Freud manages to convince the eye.

In addition, the viewer receives a whole world of emotions from one work. His paintings are often blatant, shocking, directly revealing intimate and unusual sights. In my opinion Freud's power lays in the simplicity with which he documents what is in front of him, without judgment, it seems to me, in a technique special to him. He is not bound by examples of spectrum (color scale) or social norms and is therefore one of the most exciting known artists.